Anniversary of Amani’s Centre in Singida

After this Singida trip seven years ago, we decided to open our own Amani Satellite Centre there!

Japhary, our social work coordinator, went on a field visit to Singida (400 km/250 miles from Amani) to evaluate the street children situation in the city. The first night, as he was investigating the streets, kids started flocking around him to figure out who he was... was he good? Was he trying to do something bad to the kids?

When they heard he was from Amani, they were happy and started chatting with him about their experiences. Later, as Japhary was ready to go to bed, one of the kids told him, "There is someone who wants to talk to you".

That someone was a very shy child, around 12 years old, called Thomas. He knew about Amani through other street kids and pleaded with Japhary to bring him here. Japhary of course said YES and and told the child they will travel together after three days. Thomas, fearing he would be left behind, followed him like a shadow everywhere he went!!

This picture was taken at the bus stand in Singida, before taking the bus to Moshi. We are VERY HAPPY to have Thomas with us and excited about giving him a NEW FUTURE!!


Primary School Graduation Day!


Happy 2022